Directed by Press Mag Media, visionary technology providers The Wedding Snap App are ready to launch a national advertising campaign to promote their smartphone application – a photo app that allows users to collate all images taken by wedding guests on mobile phones, subsequently creating an online album for the bride and groom to instantly view. The advert will be printed in the newly re-launched Wedding Flowers and Accessories magazine, featuring in the first issue – which will also be taken along to the National Wedding Show.
Occupying a full-page advertising space, the design contains a wealth of information arranged in a variety of colours and styles, using bold and italic text to grab reader attention. The page header reads ‘the must have app for your wedding’, followed by the brand logo. Brightly coloured turquoise and fuchsia text boxes are arranged in a similar layout to a mobile app interface, with content contained within a central white background and social media call-to-action placed at the bottom alongside relevant logos.
The Wedding Snap App has been created as the ultimate app for any wedding, and is a powerful and innovative service which slips perfectly into our digital era. A great solution for any happy couple who won’t have to wait for mystery pictures to be printed from multiple disposable cameras.
Media Agency Group presents a full-service solution to media planning and buying, and their Press Mag Media subdivision is responsible for all things print-related – whether in a traditional or digital format. Holding a broad host of media connections, Press Mag Media is able to formulate bespoke marketing solutions to fulfil a myriad of objectives, and so have the capacity to guide The Wedding Snap App through their publicity options. By placing the advert in a specialist publication, The Wedding Snap App will successfully reach their target audience on a national level, which consequently avoids advertising wastage. This niche print platform also increases the chances of gaining customer as readers have already financially committed to the magazine, rendering them more likely to engage in a genuine purchase.